Why I Refuse to Remove the USA Flag
Every so often we are faced with an opportunity to stand for something we believe in. I had that opportunity this week and wanted to share it with you.
I'm blessed to be able to network with a large, diverse group that is full of some of the most successful online brands and store operators on the planet. Part of that privilege is the opportunity to ask for help and get feedback.
I'll just be vulnerable right now and tell you ... since we REVAMPED and REDESIGNED our TLO TacPack Series, the sales haven't been great. Frankly, they've been terrible. Our original design was very similar to another manufacturer's backpack Because of some potential legal issues surrounding that problem, we had to stop selling our TacPacks. Instead of giving up, I worked with the design team and completely revamped our TacPack Tactical Backpack Series and made it a MUCH BETTER BAG. We changed the MOLLE on the front to laser etching that is still fully compatible with MOLLE, we added water bottle storage, a floating padded compartment for your laptop or ruck plate, a paracord handle (like our gun slings), a waist strap ... I mean, we made a FAR BETTER PRODUCT.

Nevertheless, I wanted to get some honest feedback from other store operators about my website listing so I asked for help. I received some AMAZING feedback that validated some things I know we need to tweak on our website to make it more user-friendly.
However - one of the comments was something like this:
"You need to remove the American Flags ... that can be offensive in this politcal environment ..."
I. Am. Not. Kidding. You.
Needless to say, I wrote a cheeky reply to this well-intentioned person but shook my head, sighed, and backspaced over it and just left it alone.
Let me say this ...
I will NOT remove the American Flag. This flag stands for freedom. People fought and gave their life for the freedom that this flag represents. TLO Outdoors will ALWAYS be a PROUD SUPPORTER of our country, our military, and first responders. That's why we ALWAYS offer a 5% "anytime discount" on any product we sell to active military, veterans, and first responders, including policemen, firemen, paramedics, and EMS through our partnership with GovX.
Listen, I'm the first to admit that we've got some messed up things happening in this country. That's a story for another day. But we still live in the GREATEST COUNTRY on EARTH and we are BLESSED to live here.
Today, I hope you'll take a moment and reflect on the freedom we have in this great nation.
I'm thankful for your business and support of our small business located here on St. Simons Island, Georgia.
God bless the USA,
Fred McKinnon, Founder
TLO Outdoors
Fred McKinnon, Founder
TLO Outdoors
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